January 27, 2010

Day 25. Jan 25th.

Ok, so I got a little behind in posting again. That is what happens when you start working during the week! And trying to go to bed earlier!

So, when we announced our engagement many, many years ago, we were bombarded with the usual question... "where are you registered?" Since we had lived together for many years, we didn't really want to, but soon realized that the question would keep coming if we didn't. I had also had no plans to register for china or crystal, but alas, we did.

We ended up with the Cornucopia design from Wedgewood...


  1. I adore that tea pot! Just gorgeous!
    Is this collection just for special occasions, or everyday?

  2. Thanks, ladies. I think we have used it 2 or 3 times in the 10 1/2 years we have been married. I tried using it more often when we didn't have kids. Now, it would be crazy to. Personally, I would have no problem selling it - and all our silverware and crystal. Seriously, who needs red wine, white, wine, champagne glasses, and water goblets when we don't drink wine... or entertain that often? Besides, it's paper plates and acrylic glasses when we do! LOL
    But, DH doesn't want to sell it either. Hopefully my DD will be in to it when she is older...
