January 31, 2010

Day 31. Jan 31st.

There was some talk on Londonmoms about comfort items of the kids. Well, Tanner first received a Tad doll for either his 2nd or 3rd birthday from our Home DayCare Provider Judy. Pretty sure it was his 3rd. So, for almost 6 yrs this guy has slept with my son every night. We are probably on Tad number three. We have another that works sometimes, and one more brand new in the box that had better work when we need it to! Tad will help you learn your shapes and colours, he sings simple nursery rhymes, and also plays your choice of 1 to 6 mins of classical lullabies. That's the 6 minutes that it takes Tanner to fall asleep. ;)

So, I introduce to you... TAD. (The DVD is under his arm so that you can get an idea of his size.)

Day 30. Jan 30th.

WOW! That's about all I can say. Driving home from swimming tonight, I had to drive around to the soccer field so that I could get a better look at the moon. It was GORGEOUS! Picture doesn't do it justice (maybe if I'd had my camera at said soccer field where the moon seemed larger and closer to the horizon than where it was when I got home.)

January 29, 2010

Day 29. Jan 29th.

Today Elsie's class went skating. Fortunately, Shawn and I were able to go along, too. A fun time was had by all!

Day 28. Jan 28th.

So, I got a phone call yesterday telling me that my name was at the top of a waitlist. I was quite excited, as it was a waitlist to go see Sleeping Beauty at Once Upon a Teacup! Elsie knew nothing of it, and I would not tell her where we were going, just that we were going to see someone!

Well, she must have been tired, because for the first little while (before Sleeping Beauty showed up), she got dressed up, and then wanted to take the dress off. She was ready to go home! WHAT? No way.

But, once Sleeping Beauty showed up and started reading stories, dancing with them, playing games, and doing make-up, she was good to go.

She also got a signed 8 x 10 and got to have her picture taken with her.

All in all a success!

January 27, 2010

Day 27. Jan 27th.

Elsie LOVES to have playdates after school. Today her best friend came over and showed her how to get to the cannon on Super Mario Bros on the Wii. Ah, to be 6 yrs old again... I'd be playing Donkey Kong on the Intellivision! :)

Day 26. Jan 26th.

At Christmas time I took Elsie to the dollar store so that she could pick out some presents for Daddy. Somehow, I ended up buying myself some "flowers and a vase to make a centerpeice for the kitchen table." Guess I can pretend to love them for awhile longer... :)

Day 25. Jan 25th.

Ok, so I got a little behind in posting again. That is what happens when you start working during the week! And trying to go to bed earlier!

So, when we announced our engagement many, many years ago, we were bombarded with the usual question... "where are you registered?" Since we had lived together for many years, we didn't really want to, but soon realized that the question would keep coming if we didn't. I had also had no plans to register for china or crystal, but alas, we did.

We ended up with the Cornucopia design from Wedgewood...

January 24, 2010

Day 24. Jan 24th.

When I left my last job, one of the gifts they gave me brought tears flooding to my eyes. It was a figurine of a woman and two children. What my co-workers couldn't possibly know, was that if I sat on the floor like the woman in the figurine, Tanner would come up behind me and do EXACTLY what the older child was doing. I saw myself, Elsie, and Tanner reflected that day in a forever-captured expression of love...

Day 23. Jan 23rd.

OMG! This has always been one of my absolute favourite pictures of Tanner. Since the original is in a box somewhere, and I am too lazy to take this copy out of the frame and scan it (and this challenge is to TAKE pictures,) I figured I'd just take a picture of it in its frame!

Tanner is about 2 1/2 years old and the picture was taken at the beach in Southampton.

Day 22. Jan 22nd.

Whoops! With working two nights in a row to midnight, I have fallen behind in posting! So, here we go!

Shawn and I agreed on a $30 limit for our Christmas gifts to each other this year. I introduce you to my $30 gift.

Comes complete with 9 interest-free monthly payments, too! LOL

January 21, 2010

Day 21. Jan 21st.

Took some pictures of my man today. My little man. When he was younger, he LOVED the camera. Lately, not so much. But, today he was all over it! I got quite a few good shots. I really wanted to show off the shirt he was wearing. It's really cute. Grandma (MIL) got him it for Christmas. I don't think Shawn was very happy about it... maybe just a little embarassed! :)

Oh yeah. Note the bag in his hand or behind him on the bed. Sigh.

January 20, 2010

Day 20. Jan 20th.

Liking this shot, too. I love living across from the ravine. Hoping to one day get a photo of the deer that run through...

Day 19. Jan 19th.

HEY! I'm squishing your head!

Since you posted one of me! ;)

January 19, 2010

Day 18. Jan 18th.

Elsie came downstairs this morning with her hair *done.* I HAD to take a picture before I redid it. Oh wait, before I helped her make it more awesome than it already was! ;)
Ok, and why - oh why - do kids make funny faces when you are taking a picture of something that is already funny in and of itself?!?!? Anyway. The hair. And the face. Love them both...

What you can't see is the THIRD ponytail out the back side of her head! :)

January 18, 2010

Day 17. Jan 17th.

Unfortunately, I did not have my camera with me at work today. I'm going to have to start carrying it with me if I am going to do this project right! So, I apologize now for the quality of the photo - I took it with my cell phone.

A co-worker left a SKOR pieces covered, cream cheese cheeseball at work yesterday. The girl I worked with today and I didn't want to see it go to waste! This was AWESOME-NESS in one tiny, little bite!

Day 16. Jan 16th.

So, for those that have been following along, quite some time ago now I got my own scrapbook room in the house. Shawn put up a wall between our livingroom and dining room, and the new room became mine. I posted progress pictures religiously! I have been asked SEVERAL times if the room is done yet. Well, the room is technically done, it's just not done. I have everything in it (along with a bunch of stuff that doesn't belong in it,) I just need to organize it now. I am waiting on a countertop(instead of the computer desk/hutch) and some shelving to go up, but then it will get done!

Here's what it looks like now! Hard to believe I actually get any work done in it!

January 15, 2010

Day 15. Jan 15th.

Last night - fashionista. Tonight - hair stylist to the stars. Well, to Mommy anyway. This is the hairdo I am sporting. Still. 3 hours later. Hey, it's out of my face!

OK, you think that's cute/funny/whatever. Listen to this. She used to put the barrettes in a line all down the back - like a skunk's stripe. One night I forgot. And went to the LCBO. To buy liquor. WITH the barrettes still in my hair. I'm still in shock they sold to me... and let me drive away. SIGH.

Day 14. Jan 14th.

6 year old girl + Nintendo DS Barbie fashion game = pure concentration.

January 13, 2010

Day 13. Jan 13th.

This is me. Me after running. I don't actually smile when I am done. That is all.

January 12, 2010

Day 12. Jan 12th.

Not the piling I was speaking of earlier, but another piling obsession. Plastic bags. He loves to throw them up and watch them float back down again. I apologize to my neighbours, and the environment, for the times he has managed to fly them over the fence. But, he loves them.

A $5 Timmies gift card to the first person that leaves a comment with the correct number of bags on top of the tv! :)

Day 11. Jan 11th.

GASP! I missed posting yesterday! Must have been the killer headache I woke with at 3am, that I drowned out at 5am with some tylenol 3 with codeine (why did I have that in the cupboard?), the 4 hrs at the store, restless kids, and then working on a client's project last night. Even ditched dance class. SIGH.

Feeling better today, so not only will I get yesterday's picture posted, but there should be no problem with today's...

On that note. Tanner loves to pile things. Big things. On our loveseat is a pile of toys, rubbermaid container, pillows, and blankets. Beware his wrath if you disturb said pile. But, we'll get back to that with a photo another time.

He also likes to line things up. Everything has it's place (for the most part) and heaven forbid if you try to move them elsewhere. Somehow the following collection ended up on the top of the hutch in my familyroom. I have tried to move it down to the top of the buffet part. He would be able to reach them on his own. Without having to ask for help. Anytime. But, nope. They MUST stay where they are and HE will let us know when they are to come down.

I introduce to you the starring line-up in the musical toy brigade...

January 10, 2010

Day 10. Jan 10th.

This is hanging on the wall in our familyroom. I first saw it when my Supervisor (at my old job) was leaving. It was his going away gift. I had to buy one for myself. All of it just speaks to me, and the *minute* I saw A and Z, I knew we were to have it hanging in our home where friends and family could share it with us. It does have a name. It is called...

The ABC's to Living Life

January 9, 2010

Day 9. Jan 9th.

Runners meet snow. Snow meet runners.
I am sorry I threw you at each other on Thursday without a formal introduction, but I wasn't sure how the two of you would get along. I am so happy that all went well and that everyone enjoyed the run, because unless this snow goes away soon, there will be more meetings.
That is all.

Day 8. Jan 8th.

I'm posting late. I have a good excuse though. I didn't get home from work until almost 1am this morning. Late either way, so I chose bed last night and to post a picture now. Although, bed sounds good now, too. :)

I am trying to stop with the snow pictures, but with the sun now shining and all, everything looks so beautiful covered in the white, sparkling snow. I went for a run on Thursday night with two friends and we all dazzled like the Cullens.

So, another snow picture for you. This is the scene from my front porch. Sometimes we are even lucky enough to see deer.

I played around with it a bit. Couldn't decide which I liked best, so figured I would post all three...


Edit one

Edit two

January 7, 2010

Day 7. Jan 7th.

Ok, not sure whether or not this will work, but here goes.

Tanner was insistent that he be allowed outside last night after dinner. It was cold and snowy, but we thought "what the heck, he'll be back in in a minute." So, out he went. And headed to the swings. And didn't know how deep the snow was. And fell flat on his face. And floundered. Arms and legs flailing while trying to keep his face out of the snow. Sort of like the kids that get stuck on their backs in their snowsuits. Only, on his tummy. Stop laughing. It wasn't funny. Daddy had to save him.smirk

Obviously, I was not going to take the time to grab my camera. My son was floundering. And my camera was in the front room. If you click on the photo to enlarge it, you can see how far he made it before he bit it.

January 6, 2010

Day 6. Jan 6th.

I was down in the basement shutting off the TV and I noticed how dark it was. There was a lot of snow in the window well, and covering the evergreens that hang in to it. I'm thinking that this is what it must look like to be stuck at the bottom of a crevasse.

January 5, 2010

Day 5. Jan 5th.

THIS.This is what happens if you leave Tanner's closet door unlocked.

January 4, 2010

Day 4. Jan 4th.

Time is of the essence today, so just one word.


January 3, 2010

Day 3. Jan 3rd.

How appropriate that this wreath has snow on it!
Hard to believe it is hanging under my covered porch!

January 2, 2010

Day 2. Jan 2nd.

WOW! What a dumping of snow we got last night! I was going to post a photo of the snow on top of the car or the buried picnic table on the back deck, but then Shawn called me out when he started shovelling. Seems the wind cause a wicked overhang on the van, and a huge snowdrift between the vehicles! Just wish I had had more time to play with the light, but I had to drive through the lovely snow to work!

Wish I'd have thought to turn the lights on for this shot...

Day 1. Jan 1st. A few hours late!

So, my first picture - a day late. I said I would commit to a photo a day. I didn't say I'd get each posted everyday!

I have two for Jan 1st.
I thought it would be fitting to show a picture just after the ball dropped on New Year's Eve. Quality is not great, as it's taken from the TV!

Second is of poor Elsie. She tried so hard to stay up. Even used the Program Guide to find a "New Year's Eve" show. But, alas, she fell asleep as soon as I left the room and was no longer talking to her. Time she fell asleep? 11:38pm. Time I took the picture? About 23 mins later... 12:01am Jan 1st.