January 18, 2010

Day 16. Jan 16th.

So, for those that have been following along, quite some time ago now I got my own scrapbook room in the house. Shawn put up a wall between our livingroom and dining room, and the new room became mine. I posted progress pictures religiously! I have been asked SEVERAL times if the room is done yet. Well, the room is technically done, it's just not done. I have everything in it (along with a bunch of stuff that doesn't belong in it,) I just need to organize it now. I am waiting on a countertop(instead of the computer desk/hutch) and some shelving to go up, but then it will get done!

Here's what it looks like now! Hard to believe I actually get any work done in it!


  1. Ummmmmmmmm All I can say is. Messy. LOL Thanks for sharing when my hubby gets on my back about cleaning the house I can always pull up your blog and show him this picture and say "Well dear, it could be worse!"

  2. It's not messy! It's "creative chaos!". Who wants a perfectly organized scrapping studio anyway? Ok. I do. Lol
